It's time to change for a new look again coz my hair getting longer and flatter. I don't really like my hair now. Since I was in KK last Tuesday, I went to my stylist and ask her opinion about what will be my new look. Long and flat hair doesn't suit me (coz it's time consuming to manage it) so I need to get back my curl....
Snip... snip...snip there goes my hair and came out the curl.... it took 4 tiring hours at the saloon to get everything done....
THE RESULT : My new look was slightly shorter to my liking... I can't wait for it to grow... but the curl was very nicely done hehehe


u r fierce !!!
heheh life must be fierce la kan....
rambut yang kerinting lite2 tu lagi best.
yang kerinting over ni nampak macam phua chu kang pun ada gak....
minus the yellow boot je.
baru lagi la tu, tu la mcm phua chu kang sikit.. now getting much better la kot heheheh
cam papua new guinea jer nok...dulu lagi best kot
aku ok jer macam papua new guinea... aku kan very truly asia... juz wait until it'll get longer la, baru ok la kot...
Wei...Mcm BaNgLa jek....
4 jam ko buat rambut tu???
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